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by php » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:00 pm
For using Battle.net i configured the Battle.net-client a way that is more simplier you maybe thought:
This is my solution to run Battle.net for playing the following games:
- Heroes of the Storm
Diablo III
StarCraft II
(World of WarCraft)
(World of WarCraft and Overwatch not testet, but i think it works with similar settings i show)
The problem with Battle.net:
The Battle.net-client can only run once on a PC.
My solution:
I configured Battle.net as followed in settings:
- [x] "Allow multiple instances of Battle.net"
"When i launch a game" select: "Exit Battle.net completely"
game settings:
- Diablo III: Reaper of Souls:
- [x] Additional command line arguments: -Displaymode 2
Heroes of the Storm:
- [x] Additional command line arguments: -Displaymode 1
Starcraft II:
- [x] Additional command line arguments: -Displaymode 1
One trade-off i be okay with:
Battle.net-Client can't be run more then once the same time. But if the different seats run the games you wanna play one after another it works fine!
- If someone tested the both missing games with this solution in succsess, don't be shy to post the required setting.

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by Magix » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:09 pm
It works very well with Overwatch, but on one of the two games the pointer is missing ... see my post in Problems & Solutions

Thank you for the solution
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by elguapo916 » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:41 pm
So, can you tell me what the additional command line argument part does? I am guessing this may solve the problem I was having. I am at work right now so I can't test it, but when I tried playing Heroes of the Storm with 3 terminals it was really buggy and the extra terminals would have issues and would say "too many commands" or something like that in the text box and it wouldn't allow them to ready up. It would work with 2 terminals for the most part, but the extra terminal had to restart the game after every match or two.
Also, has anyone else tested what he is suggesting and had success? When I open the battle.net client and select "Allow multiple instances" and opt for it to close the client when the game launches, it doesn't allow me to open the client from another machine as it says it is already running on the computer. One possibility I just thought of is I may not have selected those settings for each terminal before hand. What I typically have done is run the game, then on the other terminals I have to run the HeroesSwitcher_x64.exe file in the support64 folder.
One last question just to make sure I am doing things right, lol. Do you have a separate folder for each instance of the game? Because I do. So I update the game, then make copies of the game folder for each instance I plan on running. Is that just overkill? I haven't had to do this with World of Warcraft. That one I simply ran the file that opens the game directly, skipping the b.net client. Thanks for posting
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by elguapo916 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:55 pm
Can someone else speak up on this? When I run a game through the Battle.net client, I need to go to my task manager and kill the Blizzard Agent to be able to open it again on another terminal.
Also, can someone comment on whether they are having the "Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions." issue when playing something like Star Craft 2 or Heroes of the Storm? I am not sure if it is only happening with my setup or if it is a common problem everyone has. From what I can tell it only happens on terminals 2 and 3, I never get it on Terminal 1. When playing a game or two on the other terminals, once I finish this error stops popping up in the chat log and it won't let me run another game and I have to get out of the game.
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by madonalope » Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:36 am
You said that To use Battle.net use configure Battle.net-client in a simpler way than you might think. So does it have any effect when playing games
fleeing the complex ?
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by madonalope » Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:40 am
I've tried and found that using the Battle.net-client configuration to play the games is quite fine.
Heroes of the Storm
Diablo III
StarCraft II
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by sonnychiba » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:04 am
I have successfully tested both games missing using the solution as you give, I think it can run on other devices
Dynamons World
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by sonnychiba » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:07 am
I try World of Warcraft and Overwatch on my device and it works.
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by williamliz » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:37 am
I used Battle.net in the simplest and easiest way.
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